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Introducing Rhombus

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Introducing Rhombus Empty Introducing Rhombus

Post by Rhombus Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:40 am

Hey all, saw this site and thought I would join up and chat and meet some friendly folk that enjoy the same game I have loved for almost 20 years.

Started playing when The Dark came out, and then played off and on throughout the years, most recently started up again when New Phyrexia came out. I play for fun and am definitely not a hardcore player, for me it's about getting together with friends for some fun multiplayer, or drafting which I enjoy most.

Standard decks I am rocking are currently a BG deck I have had forever that's similar to what Conley has been brewing (Losing Ghoultree made me sad as he was good friends with Jarad, but Nemesis and Nighthowler have been good too). I've also been working on a tempo heavy UW heroic deck that I like.

Modern for me is all about Elves, Elves and more Elves. I also enjoy UG Infect which was the first crazy deck I built when I started back up, and then found out that it's kind of a thing.

EDH is the bread and butter with my friends, it's the bulk of what we play. I currently play Glissa, Rhys the Redeemed or Vorel and have been working on a few mono-colored decks like Omnath and Krenko.

Oh, and I should mention I live in Coquitlam so I mostly tend to play out this way. Nice meeting you all!


Posts : 2
Join date : 2013-12-18

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Introducing Rhombus Empty Re: Introducing Rhombus

Post by 452379603 Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:05 am



Posts : 14
Join date : 2013-10-27
Age : 27

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Introducing Rhombus Empty Re: Introducing Rhombus

Post by SirJeivus Sun Jan 05, 2014 8:34 pm

Hi Rhombus,

Let me personally welcome you to the site. Coquitlam's kinda far, but I believe Mystikt lives around that area. You should contact him if you want practice!



Posts : 114
Join date : 2013-10-16
Age : 37
Location : Richmond

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