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Deck discussion: Dragon deck blue/black/red

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Deck discussion: Dragon deck blue/black/red Empty Deck discussion: Dragon deck blue/black/red

Post by Quantomizer Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:51 am

Ok. Those who don't know me well, my favorited creature type of all time is Dragons!

If there's an opportunity to make a functional dragon deck, I will try to go for it!

This is what I have in mind:

3x dragon eggs
3x scourge of valkas
4x stormbreath dragon
1x niv-mizzet

2x rescue from the underworld
4x duress
2x thoughtseize
4x doomblade
2x Izzet charm
2x whip of Erobos
3x anger of the gods
3x negate
3x voyage's end

4x steam vent
4x watery grave
4x rakdos guildgate (no more extra blood crypt)
6x mountain
3x swamp
4x island

So I have no early defense. So duress/thoughtseize will give me an indication of how to deal with opponent. If I draw red, I can anger of god, if I draw black, I can doom blade, if I draw blue, I can voyage's end.

Defensive spell are Izzet charm and negate.

Thoughts are welcome!


Posts : 6
Join date : 2013-10-16

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