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Rakdos Control

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Rakdos Control Empty Rakdos Control

Post by SirJeivus Sun Oct 20, 2013 8:40 am

On Theros Game day yesterday, one of the most interesting decks I saw was a Rakdos control deck. It ran NO creatures, and featured plenty of Man-lands and "activateable creatures". Before the final round, this person went 4-0. Here is a list (roughly)

4x Thoughtseize
4x Rakdos Return
3x Dreadbore
4x Hero's Downfall
4x Devour Flesh


4x Prophetic Prism
2x Trading Post
4x Haunted Plate Mail
4x Rakdos Keyrune


4x Read the Bones

3x Lifebane Zombie
4x Desecration Demon

This deck is Rakdos control, so what it does is basically kill all your stuff. He has 7 planeswalker removal. All his creatures are either Mutavaults, the 3/1 first strike keyrune, or the 4/4 platemail. Most interesting interactions:

  • Activate Platemail, then activate mutavault then swing
  • Use trading post to sacrifice his prophetic prisms for extra card draw

Advantages of this deck are sorcery speed removal such as
-Supreme Verdict
-Mizzium Mortars
-Detention Sphere

All are ineffective against this deck. The best standard deck is one that blanks out cards.

Any thoughts on this?


Posts : 114
Join date : 2013-10-16
Age : 37
Location : Richmond

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Rakdos Control Empty Re: Rakdos Control

Post by tetrahedron Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:56 pm

I know it has a lot of removal but I think speed of Gruul aggro would be overwhelming.


Posts : 5
Join date : 2013-10-26

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